Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mother's Day

I have been wanting to document my mothers day all week and have not gotten to it and now the wonderful feelings i had are hard to remember. A great lesson in why i need to write things down in the moment.
Sunday really was a great day and probably the best thing about it was how excited Brinlee was to get up in Sacrament and sing. She has always talked about how bad she wanted to go up and sing with the other kids when she get big enough, and now she is a sunbeam so she got to go up. Budd even stood up in the back to help mouth the words for her. I don't think she could see him or that she even sang much, but boy was she cute up there and so happy. When she was done and coming back to us, she started running down the aisle with a big smile on her face and arms open wide and gave Budd a big hug, then she came and hugged me. She was beaming and I almost starting crying being so full of joy myself.
Back to the morning, Budd and the kids did make me French toast. THe kids were so excited about it. THen at church for Relief Society they had us go into the gym for a good surprise and it was the bishopric making banana splits for us. It was fun to eat and just chat with the other women. We really have a great ward. It is fun to start getting to know the other women better.
After church we went on a very long walk. It ended up being about 2 hours. But is was beautiful and we walked by a bunch of fields. Then Budd made dinner by grilling some chicken and even grilling some baked potatoes to die for. It was a wonderful day.

Monday, May 12, 2008

A day with the kids

The other day I decided to take more time focusing on the kids instead of doing my hundred other things I think I need to do. We had a lot of fun. We made sock puppets with a kit that Budd's mom gave Brinlee for her birthday and they love them. They loved trying to help me, but mostly made a mess. We did a little picnic for lunch in the living room on a blanket. I was just thinking how nice it was to be spending time with them, and how good they were being, when all the sudden Spencer decided to start spitting his food everywhere. That sweet moment ended fast. In the end, it wasn't a perfect day and I still yelled of course, but I felt better that i stopped doing my mundane things and spent some quality time with them, and i think they really enjoyed it too.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


25, originally uploaded by Emilie Ahern.

Spencer loved throwing rocks in the pond. What a great shot of the water ripple.

Darling Spencer

11, originally uploaded by Emilie Ahern.

My friend Emilie took a bunch of great candid photos while with us a few weeks ago and they turned out so amazing I had to share a few.
I love this one of Spence. He is holding a cup of dirt that he just planted a seed in at the Earth Day celebration. When he first saw the dirt he said, "Chocolate?" It was so cute.

Father and Son

14b, originally uploaded by Emilie Ahern.

Another great one she took while we were walking around a lake at an Earth Day celebration. I love it!!

More Brin Bday

cake8, originally uploaded by Emilie Ahern.

My friend Emilie took this pic of Brin with her cake and it is amazing. I love it so i had to share