Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Brinlee reading

Brinlee is starting to read and it is fun to watch her get so excited. She is having so much fun at her Preschool. They learned about ancient Africa the other day and they painted their faces and made necklaces and African cookies. She loved it. She is having so much fun in preschool.

Late Valentines

For Valentines I made the kids heart shaped pancakes and they loved it. They also got some new PJ's that they love. Budd built me some great shelves for my cold room downstairs. It was a wonderful valentines.

Brinlee's Heart Monitor

At Brinlee's well check doctor visit to get her Kindergarten Shots, the Doctor noticed that her heart beat was irregular. They said the same thing last year, but after an EKG they said she was ok. But this year he was still concerned and sent us to Primary Children's to a Pediatric Cardiologist. They did another EKG and then the Doctor looked at and listened to her heart more. Brinlee was a little shy at first but as soon as they let her pick a prize (she chose a stuffed red bear) she was happy. The doctor said that she has extra beats in the upper portion of her heart and he wanted to see if it happens many times in a row, so he sent her home with a heart monitor for 24 hours. Brinlee was such a good sports and actually very happy about it, so she could show her friends. She has been really good, not touching it and not complaining about it. She is such a happy girl as you can see in the photo. We will go in for more follow up in 2 months.
They did an unltrasound 0f Brinlee's heart and the doctor diagnosed her with frequent premature atrial contractions. The doctor said that it is nothing serious right now and not effecting her and she may even grow out of it. She just needs to come in each year to check on how she is doing. We feel so grateful that she is ok.