Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I have a working computer (laptop)

Hooray, I am back in business to blog. The sad thing is that all the fun pics I wanted to post of our fun adventures in the past few months were lost when our computers hard drive crashed. We just found this out a few days ago and that it is not very possible to retrive our data from it. I was thinking about what was on there and I realized it was pretty much my life. All the baby pics, music and documents from the past 5 years. At least i had printed some and posted some on here. We had not made a back up, so I am strongly suggesting to you all to back up your computers regularly, like every month. We learned a big lesson the hard way. I hope i will be able to do better at keeping up with my blog now and move on from here. Besides the bad computer luck, great things are happening for us. Budd got a great job that starts next week with a company called Comp Health out of Salt Lake. He will be a Physician recruiter. It is the kind of job he was really hoping for so we feel blessed. I am also able to work 4 hours a week teaching art for a homeschool group co op. Then meet once a week all together to take specialized classes like art. I am really ejoying it and feel so blessed that they found me. I am able to teach all ages 3-17 so it is great. I just turned 30 last week
The kids are darling as ever. Brinlee is in a little community school in our neighborhood. There are 7 kids and all the Moms take turns teaching. The great thing is that all the moms have degrees in teaching different subjects. I teach the art of course. We have it 2 times a week for 30 min. The School meets 3 times a week for 3 hours. Moms choose what they would like to teach and it is very hands on. This week was all about anatomy and Brinlee made a full size body of herself with a heart, lungs, stomach, and intestines sticking out. It was great. The kids also have music for 30 min each week and they have Spanish every day for 45 min. Brinlee is loving it and learning so much. It is great to live in such a great neigborhood.
Spencer is being the true boy that he is. He loves swords more than anything. It is fun having more time with him alone while Brinlee is at school. We also go on field trips each week with the school and Spencer gets to come. Today we went to the Police station and the kids really liked it. They even got kid badges.
We have 2 teenagers living with us right now. My 18 yr old bro Quinn and a 15 yr old from Japan named Shun. They keep me on my toes and a little crazy, but even amongst all my craziness I feel truly blessed and i know that the Lord truly loves us.


Janae said...

I am so sorry about your hard drive. I am glad you everything is looking up for you.

Unknown said...

It's good to have you back! That pre-school sounds really good. We are doing something similar in our ward with Luke. But only once a week! You guys are amazing!

Britney said...

Glad to have you back!

I'm SOOOO sorry to hear about your hard drive! I would cry for weeks if all my pictures were gone!!! So sad!

Your kids sound darling. I can't wait to see pictures!

The pre-school Brinlee's in sounds fun. We are doing a similar thing with Max and his friends. It's working out really well so far.

Keep the posts coming!

Nick.Hailey.Kohlson.Beckett said...

Hey Katie, we need to get together soon since we live real close now and haven't seen each other for like 5 years. We just had another little boy, he is almost 3 weeks old! I would love to get together and meet your kids. I think the last time I saw you was at my wedding and you were pregnant with Brinlee. Give me a call when your not busy. 435-671-1131. And we have some pics of our fam. on our blog if you want to see them.

Micaela said...

Kate! Good to see you back! So sorry about the pictures! I think I would cry... :(

I love how you briefly mentioned in one sentence that you just turned 30. :) Hooray!! Happy Birthday!!

I'm glad life is going well for you guys! Sounds like you're really busy!