Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Brinlee reading

Brinlee is starting to read and it is fun to watch her get so excited. She is having so much fun at her Preschool. They learned about ancient Africa the other day and they painted their faces and made necklaces and African cookies. She loved it. She is having so much fun in preschool.


April and Jared Fenn said...

That's AWESOME! My nephew, who is the same age as Brinlee, is reading too! He reads "Bob" books which are incredible little books my sister bought at Barns and Noble. I can't believe how fast these kids grow up! Let's do lunch again. Next week I only work on Tuesday and Thursday. Call me.

Anonymous said...

wow, brinlee really looks like you in this picture. how cute!

Misty said...

Hey Kate! I ran into your block from the Beckman's blog. How fun to see what you guys are up to, and your kids are so big! I can't even stand how cute they are. Hope all is well.

Melissa Ash said...

So fun!! It is so amazing to see how big your kids are getting!! They are way too cute! I am sorry to hear about Brinlee and her heart. I hope things are okay! I'm glad that she was so positive about it!! (were you freaking out?!!) We need to get together some time!! I miss you tons!

Courtney said...

Ok, that top family picture of you four TOTALLY looks like St. George! If you ever are down this way, let me know :) We LOVE living in St. George. It is such a fabulous community.