Monday, October 26, 2009


I wanted to get a few pics of the kids with my big pregnant belly before we have the baby. The kids always love to come up and kiss my belly. They are so excited for their new sister to come. We thought it would be fun to get some pictures out in our back yard, that is so beautiful right now, with all the fallen leaves. We are hoping our little one will come in the next couple days.


April and Jared Fenn said...

you are such a cute prego lady! I'm excited for you to have this baby. I really want to come out to see you and the new baby. Meg and I were talking about you on Sunday. WE just love you. You're amazing

Melissa Ash said...

YOU ARE SO CUTE!!! Man, you look good!! I love these pictures! I sure hope that things go well/have gone well with the delivery!! Fun stuff! Hey, my second is only three months behind!! :)

Cheryl said...

You look beautiful! I wish I looked that good when I was ready to have my kids! I am so excited for you and your new little girl!

Britney said...

Pregnant? I didn't know you were pregnant! When are you due? You always look great!

Good luck! Miss you :) Did you hear that Sally is having twins?!