Sunday, November 15, 2009

Baby Alea and Snow

Alea is just over 2 weeks now and starting to wake up more and become more alert. It is fun to see her eyes more. Brinlee and Spencer love her to pieces and cannot stay away from her. They shower her with hugs and kisses every minute. They are always checking on her and they have been such great helpers. It is so nice that they are old enough to understand what I am asking them to do and that they are able to do it for me. We are enjoying being able to slow down a bit.
We also just got our first snow and the kids immediately wanted to go play in it. They loved making a snowman. I have to remind them that the snow it cold and you need to wear a coat and long pants, since they think it is fine to wear shorts still.
It seams that somehow kids don't feel the cold.


Britny and Jeffers said...
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Britny and Jeffers said...

Hey Kate!
Alea is so beautiful! :) I love the kids snowman! We love you guys soo much! Thank you for all of your support and love! Your family is soo sweet! Love you! Can't wait to come visit again!

April and Jared Fenn said...

oh so cute! Alea is darling. That's nice that Spencer and Brinlee are old enough to understand and to help. I need to come see you.

Melissa Ash said...

Alea is so beautiful! I am so happy for you! You have beautiful kiddos!

Amber said...

Kate, she is so darling. I didn't even know you were having #3!! I am so excited for you.