Sunday, June 13, 2010

Brinlee's Kindergarten Graduation

We have been busy the past couple weeks. Brinlee had her Kindergarten Graduation and program on May 28th. I cannot believe how fast this year went. She loved kindergarten and she learned so much. They had a really great program where all the kinders sang about 10 songs and they each had a part they recited. It was so cute. I am so proud of Brinlee doing so well this year.

The day after her program we said goodbye to Satomi and Yuu, the Japanese family that has been living with us all school year. We had a fun time with them and the kids became really good friends with Yuu. They were sad to see her go.


April and Jared Fenn said...

oh you chopped Brinlee's hair! It' is super duper cute. What darling kids you have!

Hey, when Meg has her baby on Wednesday, will you call me and tell me how she's doing and what she had? gracias

Genny said...

Hellooooooo! Kate, I didn't know that your April post continued. Thanks for catching us up on your life! I'm so sorry that Budd's mom died. She seemed like an awesome woman. On happier notes, that Japanese family is so cute and I think it's awesome that you house foreign students! I really should look into that in the future! Take care Kate. Love you!

Britny and Jeffers said...

Brinlee's hair is soooooooo cute!! I want that hair cut! :) Miss you guys!

Unknown said...

So cute. I love Brinlee's hair. Does she go to a private school?