Sunday, April 13, 2008


I haven't posted for a while and if you are asking why I will have to blame it on all the visitors we have had lately. Luckily these were the best kind of visitors we could have. FAMILY! and this was a real treat for us because we only see Budd's family a couple times a year. First of all we had Budd's parents in town over conference weekend. It was so fun to see them, and the kids loved being with Grandma and Grandpa Keeler. They especially enjoyed playing play dough with Grandpa.

We were able to spend a lot of time with them and visited more family. We met up with Budd's Dad's brother Dick, who everyone says Spencer looks like. I think he looks like Budd's Dad too. Here is a pic. Left to Right John (Budd's Dad) Budd holding Spencer and Dick. Tell me what you think. They definetly have the same face shape.

And here we are with Budd's parents. They are such wonderful people. It was a joy to spend a few days with them.

They day after Budd's parents left, we had Budd's sister Lucinda and her Husband Nate come to stay with us for 5 days. We had a lot of fun and even went skiing and boarding. But they took all the pics of that so i will have to post those later. But i do have to brag about Budd and his amazing ability to learn to snowboard on his first day. He actually got it by the end of his first run. And man did he look good on that board.