Friday, May 29, 2009

Brinlee's school group

Brinlee is finished with her preschool group that we did this year. She really loved learning Spanish and doing all the other fun activities that the group did. I feel like she learned so much this year and has done so well at starting to read and write. In fact she is constantly drawing and writing in notebooks. She has so many notebooks that are already full. She makes pictures for me multiple times everyday and her favorite thing to write is "I love Mom and Dad," which always makes me happy. Last week, one morning she came into my room before I was out of bed and was so excited to show me what she had been drawing. She had 5 pages she had drawn that morning and she had a whole story to go with it about a girl named Rainbow sailing across the see to Africa to buy a necklace, a bracelet and a dog. It was so cute! Then last night when I was putting her to bed she kept saying," Just a little bit more time to draw in my notebook please." She is our darling little artist.
Here is a picture of her class and their Spanish teacher. The kids are holding their Spanish Alphabet books they made. She is so excited for Kindergarten next year.