Friday, May 29, 2009

Some Fun Things

The kids were yelling for me to come find them the other day and this is where I found them. I am not sure how they thought of the idea, but they had pillows and everything it the dryer to make it comfortable for them. I couldn't believe they both fit inside. They thought they were so funny!!We found a pond at the base of Farmington canyon the other day on our Sunday drive. There were other kids playing in the water so of course our kids wanted to get right in, even though it was freezing cold water from the winter runoff. They loved playing with their cousin Lily who was with us.
While my parents were up visiting one weekend my Dad decided to try to help Brinlee learn to ride a bike without training wheels. It didn't last too long until decided she needed a little more time getting comfortable on the bike with training wheels. We found her a great bike at DI . It is like new and perfect for her.

We were at DI the other day and they had all this great Winter gear on sale. We found some great ski helmets and boots for the kids for only $2 a piece. They were so excited about it and they still have fun putting them on and playing in them. We hope that someday soon they will be able to use them.